Saturday, August 28, 2010

I Just Needed You, Chapter 6 Teaser

Every lesson, it became easier and easier to talk to him, until we were able to converse without screaming at each other. We still irritated each other, naturally, but I didn’t mind that so much. He was really fun when he got all pissy.

The last few weeks, when our lessons had finished, we’d lingered and talked. Our game had far surpassed the twenty question limit, but I was still eager to learn more. And, it seemed, so was he.

The more time we spent here, the more I found myself attracted to him. I loved the way he played with the ring in his lip when he was agitated, and how his fingers played background melodies of their own volition when he talked. It seemed to be such a natural, intrinsic part of him, and it made me smile often. I’d even started to find it adorable when he got really worked up about something, how his hands would move while he explained and his eyes would grow bigger with each word.

Arriving at the door, I pulled it open and looked up at the stage.  He stopped playing and turned on the bench to watch me.  

“I'm still shocked every time you come back,” he called out to me as I walked in.


1 comment:

  1. I am so completely in love with this story :D
