Monday, April 11, 2011

INK outtake? nevertake? whoknowstake?

I was going through my folders today, clearing out stuff that's completed and moving it around and I found something. Not many people know this, but at one time, INK was going to include corresponding memories from Charlie in each chapter.

After working things through, I decided it was better not to do it because of the change in tense/point of view, etc. I didn't want to confuse anyone (including myself) but there was one that I wrote that I thought you guys might want to read. It's unbeta'd and incomplete, but it does give you a little bit into Charlie. :) Enjoy!

June – 2008 (Graduation)

“You're sure you don't want me to come with you?” Edward asked.

Charlie nodded as his mustache twitched into a smile. “I think I can handle it, kid.”

“Alright, Pops. Be careful.”

“Always am,” Charlie smiled and squeezed Edward's shoulder.

Edward stood and watched as Charlie walked through security, knowing that these next few days could either be some of the best his adopted father had ever had – or the worst. He wanted this to go well.

Charlie boarded his airplane shortly thereafter, on his way to California for the second time in his life. To see his only daughter graduate from college. He knew that people would have disagreed with him keeping tabs on her, but he just liked knowing what was happening in her life.

And this was a moment he didn't want to miss. Even if she wanted nothing to do with him. He had been waiting for her to call, to visit – anything – for a long time, but she'd been eighteen for almost four years. It was clear that she'd made her choice, but that didn't change the love he had in his heart for his only daughter.

The June afternoon was bright and sunny, the breeze from the water in the city minimal as Charlie maneuvered through the large crowd of gowns and parents and families, keeping his eyes peeled. In his hand he held a disposable camera, something he'd seen at the airport on his way toward baggage claim.

Taking a seat, he waited for the commencement to begin, and then listened to the words of the speakers, the deans and listened until names were called and the alphabet reached 'D.'

She had grown into a beautiful young woman, her heart-shaped face very similar to her mothers. But the brown hair and equally brown eyes were all Charlie. His heart swelled and his smile was full of pride as they announced her name...
“Isabella Marie Dwyer.”

Charlie lifted the camera to his face and captured the moment on film.

As the ceremony concluded, he lingered. He wasn't sure why, but he hoped for something and when he found himself face-to-face with his daughter, she smiled at him politely and offered a polite nod of her head.

But that was it.

Charlie returned to his home with his heart a little less full.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

INK, Chapter 7 stuff

It seems a lot of you were curious about Bella's dream/hallucination/etc. I should have done this last night, but it was a bit crazy... to give you an idea for my inspiration on that, this picture may help. ;)

Go back and read it again if you need to...but that's what she saw herself stuck in. ;)

Also, there were a few songs I blipped last night for the chapter, but here are the videos if you missed them. :)


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

For those without access to Edwardville...

So I posted this one last week: ...

Chapter 1 will post tomorrow, 11/10 (as long as I don't chicken out)....

My hand twitches in a comfortable, practiced motion. Suddenly I’m desperate for a pen or a pencil. Her expression, so grave and desolate, is somehow beautiful to me, and I wish I had anything that would enable me to detail her pain on paper. It makes me wish I’d thought to bring my sketchbook.

To her right, a large boy clutches an umbrella over their heads. On her left, a sour faced girl holds the sad woman’s arm. Her face is fierce and determined, as if she’s trying to keep the broken woman from falling.

I can’t help but wonder who she was to him – who
they were to him.

Even more, I can’t help but wonder who
I was to him.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pic Tease: I Never Knew, Chapter 1

Getting closer! I'm nearing Chapter ten (which has been my goal for posting) and I'm shooting to have Chapter one out to you guys within the next couple weeks. Cross your fingers (toes, eyes, etc) that I'll be able to do it!


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I Just Needed You, Chapter 9 Teaser

My hands were shaking so badly that I was afraid I wouldn't be able to play. All of my preparations, everything I'd been working for... it all led to this. This one night would tell me if what I hoped for would come. Rolling my neck, I wiggled my arms and tried to release the tension in my body before I emerged. A female voice came overhead, floating through the auditorium as she announced my name. The sounds in the auditorium grew to a slightly louder buzz, applause sounding and chatter picking up.

My feet carried me closer to the curtain. I stopped, smiling at Professor Banner as he held out his hand to shake. He clapped me on the shoulder, wishing me good luck.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Picture Prompts

I completely forgot to post these! Thanks for the reminder. :)


I Just Needed You, Chapter 8 Teaser

He made it seem so easy. He made it seem like he could give his body with no strings, no connection and that was just... it. I had never been the kind of person who could, or would, do that.

He was the exception. He brought down my walls and made me want to give him whatever I could.

After a few days, I began to realize that no matter how much I gave him—or anyone—if I wasn't happy, what was the point?

Once I realized that there wasn't one, I began to see all of the ways I'd been trying to turn myself into something I wasn't for the sake of pleasing others.

Not just with him, but with my mother as well.
